Christian Science, through Mary Baker Eddy, its Discoverer and Founder, is teaching the world that God, and God alone, God as infinite Mind, as divine Life, Truth, Love, governs and sustains all His creation. The revelation of Christian Science comes to a race of men educated to believe that evil is real and powerful and that materiality largely governs their life experience.
This belief is entirely refuted by Christian Science, which uncovers the untruth of materiality in all its ways and declares that God is not its author. God creates only that which is like Himself, spiritual, pure, and perfect; and He has no competitor, no opposer. Christian Science reveals prayer as the means by which the thrusts of evil and the disappointments of a material sense of existence can be nullified and overcome. Since this Christian warfare calls for continuing spiritual understanding and increasing spiritual activity, the Christian Scientist learns to turn constantly for renewed strength to the infinite source of all good, God Himself.
What are the basic facts of Truth by which one can be revived and refreshed daily? That God is truly All-in-all, the only power, presence, and true existence; that there is but one true creation, the spiritual man and universe; and that any supposed opposite of this divine fact is, because of the allness of God, an illusion, a mental mirage, without any element of enduring existence.