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Testimonies of Healing

Words alone can never express my gratitude...

From the June 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Words alone can never express my gratitude for the joy and peace that have come into my life through the study and application of Christian Science as taught by our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and her other writings.

After all my family had passed on, Christian Science healed me of intense loneliness, sadness, and fear of the future, as well as a sense of frustration and inactivity. A serious condition of anemia and heart trouble, which prolonged medical treatment had failed to cure, was healed through the reading and study of the textbook. Varicose veins and a sense of mental depression have also been healed.

Early in 1947 I went down to the ground floor in the electric lift, which stopped before reaching the floor level. It was getting dark, and the lights had not been switched on. I stepped out of the lift seemingly into space, crashing my head into a large bureau and losing consciousness. On coming to myself, I was helped by another student of Christian Science to her room. She wanted me to call for help from a practitioner, but I felt that I would rather go to my room and my books. On prayerfully seeking divine guidance, I was led to open my textbook to page 243 and read: "The clay cannot reply to the potter. The head, heart, lungs, and limbs do not inform us that they are dizzy, diseased, consumptive, or lame. If this information is conveyed, mortal mind conveys it." Farther on I read, "For God is 'of purer eyes than to behold evil,' and matter has neither intelligence nor sensation."

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