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From the February 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In early summer whenever the writer sets out into the woods to look for wild blackberries, she is always reminded of the similarity of this experience to the one of seeking and finding the truths concerning God and man, as revealed by Christian Science, and of the harvesting of its many blessings. When seeking the sweetly flavored berries, one sets out with great expectancy, looking on each side of the road and picking here and there. But sometimes one finds that to obtain more of the nicest and juiciest berries, it is necessary to seek a little more diligently, to lift the leaves and thorny brambles in order to reach those hidden underneath. What a reward then for one's patience and perseverance it is to gather all the luscious berries one needs !

Moses and the prophets encouraged their people to seek God diligently to find the solution of their problems and receive the reward of obedience to His laws. From Jerusalem, Jeremiah wrote these words to the captive Jews in Babylon (29:10, 13): "Thus saith the Lord, ... Ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." Instructing his disciples, Christ Jesus taught (Matt. 7:7), "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; . . . for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth."

To be successful in one's quest for God, the Giver of all good, one must seek Him with all one's heart, in all sincerity, and as the object of one's affection. That desire is prayer and is sure to help the earnest seeker to find God the writer proved many years ago when, ill and alone in a large city, she used to pace the streets in search of God and was led by divine Love to a public hall where a Christian Science service was being held. Although at the time she could not even understand what was going on, because the service was read in a language different from her own, yet the very peace and love of God were so expressed and felt there she was certain that at last she had found Truth, God.

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