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Testimonies of Healing

It was in 1910 that this wonderful truth...

From the September 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was in 1910 that this wonderful truth —Christian Science—was first presented to me, and although I was skeptical, my prejudices were overcome during my first talk with a practitioner. Within the following two weeks, just through reading the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, I was healed of a severe nervous breakdown. In all the years that have followed there has never been a return of these breakdowns, which up to then had occurred at frequent intervals.

This healing caused me to enroll in the Christian Science Sunday School, to which I have been grateful on many occasions when something I learned there has come back to help me solve some problem. The following year what appeared to be an alarming state of blood poisoning in my right arm was healed in one absent treatment. When it was no longer my privilege to remain in Sunday School because of my age, I joined The Mother Church and a branch Church of Christ, Scientist.

Because I took an active part in church work and made remarkable progress in business, I felt firmly grounded and proud to say I was a Christian Scientist. But "pride goeth . . . before a fall" (Prov.16:18), and when the real testing time came, it found me weak instead of strong.

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