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From the September 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The teachings of Christian Science unveil the great truth that man is in reality the reflection of the one creative cause, the complete manifestation or expression of this one infinite divine Principle, or Mind, which is God. Furthermore, they reveal that in the Science of true being man is a spiritually mental creature, an idea of this Mind, or God, and that the prevalent belief of a man created of matter and mind and born of human parents is an illusion of the so-called carnal mind.

The spiritually-minded Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, presents conclusive Scriptural authority throughout her writings for her fundamental teaching that the one and only cause and creator is God. From this premise she logically draws the correlative conclusion that cause cannot be found in matter. On page 262 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"she writes: "Divine Mind is the only cause or Principle of existence. Cause does not exist in matter, in mortal mind, or in physical forms."

This basic truth is at variance with the testimony of the deceptive material senses, and it challenges their validity. When once confronted with irrefutable proofs in the metaphysical healing of physical disease through Christian Science treatment, one readily concedes that cause does not reside in matter or in physical forms. However, thoughtful students cannot help noting how tenaciously error seems to cling to the false belief that there does exist a cause for evil, sin, disease, and death in the mortal mind. But what is mortal mind? Can its testimony be accepted as true or conclusive about anything?

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