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From the September 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As there is no repetition in the Bible Lessons which come to us regularly in the Christian Science Quarterly, and which represent a special privilege and our Leader's gift to The Mother Church (see Miscellaneous Writing's 300:23-28), so there can be no stereotyped readings based on the subjects of these Lesson-Sermons. In the Manual of The Mother Church under Article III, "Duties of Readers of The Mother Church and of its Branch Churches," we read: "Moral Obligations. Section 1 . The Readers of The Mother Church and of all its branch churches must devote a suitable portion of their time to preparation for the reading of the Sunday lesson,—a lesson on which the prosperity of Christian Science largely depends."

To the First Reader belongs the duty of selecting Scripture readings, hymns, and a benediction to form a fitting setting for the jewel of the Bible Lesson. Thus each service requires special study and renewed consecration. In this work Readers do not need the assistance of compilations made by others. To rely on such compilations would rob our church services of the freshness and inspiration essential to their spiritual vitality and healing efficacy. According to the spirituality which has marked its preparation, each Sunday service will present a unified whole adapted to meet the needs of the congregation.

The same is true for the Wednesday evening meetings, which, when prayerfully prepared with readings worked out by the First Reader through demonstration, are as the manna of today, satisfying the hungry heart and fulfilling the demand of the hour.

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