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From the December 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In our times a spiritually-minded woman, Mary Baker Eddy, was guided by God to present to the world Christian Science, the promised Comforter. She gave it in a form which can be readily understood and utilized.

The Comforter is characterized by Christian healing, which is an essential step in the process of human redemption. In her "Miscellaneous Writings" Mrs. Eddy states (p. 370): "In different ages the divine idea assumes different forms, according to humanity's needs. In this age it assumes, more intelligently than ever before, the form of Christian healing. This is the babe we are to cherish. This is the babe that twines its loving arms about the neck of omnipotence, and calls forth infinite care from His loving heart."

Nearly two thousand years ago some of those who thronged a crowded inn in Bethlehem may have seen a babe in a manger, but only the humble, the unworldly, the receptive, recognized and adored the infant Saviour. Today the bustling masses see the results of Christian healing throughout the world, but only the divinely inspired recognize its spiritual significance and adore its divine Principle, Love. The impersonal babe we are to cherish is wholly spiritual. God is its Father and its Mother; He loves it; He protects and directs it. By means of it He will complete the full and final redemption of all mankind.

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