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The Sending of the Seventy

(Luke 10)

From the December 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

How bravely they went forth—
Those faithful ones
Who started out upon their ministry
Spreading the gospel that the Master taught,
The holy, healing message of the Christ.
Small wonder that they all returned with joy.
Had they not labored in the harvest fields
And seen the lame and old and sick and blind
Restored to radiant health and happiness
Through the dear name that they had learned to love?

After the cruel scoffing of the scribes,
How glad the heart of Jesus must have been
At the return the those obedient ones!

Into a woman's heart the rich seed fell
After the passing of long centuries.
That healing power, she knew, was for all time.
Somewhere, within the Bible, lay the rule
That Jesus taught his followers long ago.
Within the shelter of an attic room
She searched the Scriptures, prayed always for light,
And day by day the great discovery grew!

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