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Testimonies of Healing

Over forty years ago Christian Science...

From the April 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Over forty years ago Christian Science came into our family. My mother, desiring more light on the Bible, inquired of our pastor if he could recommend a book which would enlighten the truths in the Bible, but he had nothing to offer. Shortly after this a friend of the family was healed in Christian Science and told my mother about the book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. She said that she knew Christian Science could help my mother also. This was truly an answer to her prayerful longing. She got the book and began to study this Science. I then became interested, and later my father, and Throughout the years many demonstrations were made over discordant conditions in his business and in our home.

A long-standing case of wearing glasses was instantaneously healed, and a severe condition of hay fever was healed in one treatment. A serious physical injury caused by an automobile accident was healed in a short time, and many other claims too numerous to mention were met through our applying the truths in Christian Science. We are grateful for the loving help of consecrated practitioners who have aided in brightening our way.

It has been most interesting to see how Christian Science has changed our way of living. Old beliefs have been discarded, and we have derived much spiritual enlightenment from the Bible and Science and Health through the daily study of the Lesson-Sermons found in the Christian Science Quarterly. People have remarked how harmonious, healthy, and happy we have become.

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