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From the April 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The understanding of God's law possessed by Christ Jesus was greater than that of any other human being. Not only did he possess a profound knowledge of spiritual law, but he successfully practiced and demonstrated this law. When questioned by the Pharisees in Jerusalem regarding his attitude toward Roman law, and later on the same day by the Sadducees as to his understanding of Mosaic law (Matt. 22:15-46), he revealed a knowledge of law, both human and divine, far above and beyond their limited understanding.

It was not Jesus' knowledge of human law, however, nor his concessions on certain occasions to man-made laws, that won for him the titles of Way-shower and master Christian. It was his understanding of and strict obedience to the laws of Spirit, Soul, that enabled him to prove his God-bestowed dominion over all so-called material laws and made possible his unparalleled demonstrations of spiritual power in healing all manner of sin and sickness and in overcoming death and the grave, both for himself and for others.

About three hundred years after Jesus' resurrection and ascension the spiritual understanding of the divine law of healing was temporarily lost to mankind through gross materialism. In the year 1866, however, the healing power of divine law was again made available to humanity through the pure and inspired thought of Mary Baker Eddy in what she has termed Christian Science.

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