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From the April 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A Joyous discovery awaits everyone who begins the study of Christian Science. To grasp the ideas contained in the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, casual reading is not enough. Study and meditation must be accompanied by right desire and by practice of the rules of Christian Science. Jesus showed by his parable of the sower (Matt. 13) that the Word of Truth is received according to the state of thought of the hearer or reader. To some the promises of Christian Science may seem too wonderful, and so Christian Science is dismissed. Others may receive it as a beautiful philosophy. These may read the Christian Science literature and adopt it to some extent as a code of human conduct, but fail to perceive its deep spiritual significance, that of revealing divine reality. But the sincere and humble student of Science eventually makes the spiritual discovery of the ever-presence of Spirit and the man of God's revealing.

Christian Science is a system of spiritual regeneration. It requires study of the Bible and the works of Mrs. Eddy, reading of the Christian Science periodicals, participation in church activity, and practice of its truths in daily living. This way of life is made possible only through prayer, or communion with God, in which glimpses of Truth flow into consciousness. Such prayer, or conscious communion with God, is a prayer of discovery. Mrs. Eddy says in her work "No and Yes," in commenting on prayer (p. 39), "It makes new and scientific, discoveries of God, of His goodness and power." She spoke and wrote always from the depth of her spiritual experience.

The highest example of prayer is the Lord's Prayer, and Jesus' life exemplified the fruit of his petitions. In his great Sermon on the Mount our Master said (Matt. 7:7, 8), "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." It is clear that Jesus expected his followers to seek earnestly for the spiritual and to so put into practice their right desires as to make possible spiritual discovery. Our Leader, ever an obedient follower of Christ Jesus, did this and so was able to give to the world such a comprehension of prayer that mankind is enabled to depend on prayer in Christian Science to heal the sick and meet every human need.

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