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To Phebe, Paul's Messenger

(Romans 16:1)

From the April 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wonder what your thoughts were
When you heard
That Paul had chosen you
To bear his words
Of admonition
To the church at Rome.
Perhaps you felt, as we felt today,
When some important work confronted us,
That you were poorly fitted for the task.
Perhaps you told Paul of your sudden fears
And listened while he spoke
Some wise, kind words
That plainly showed you
God would point the way;
Perhaps Paul told you
You had earned his trust
By your devoted service to the cause—
The Christian cause—
That you had loved so well.
If so, you must have humbly, bravely prayed
For strength to carry through
This new, high task.

We of today can scarcely know
The rough and dangerous way
You must have traveled,
By both land and sea.
Bearing the treasured words
That were to bring
Renewed zeal
To the struggling Roman band
Of Christian followers
Of the Nazarene—
Words that would stand in firm authority
As timeless guides throughout
The years to come
To Christian followers
In every land.

O Phebe, what deep gratitude we owe
To you, a woman,
Bringing to us all
Those great, dynamic, ringing words
Of Paul!

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