With a heart overflowing with gratitude I wish to thank God for Christ Jesus, our great Way-shower, and for Mrs. Eddy, our revered Leader, who gave us this wonderful truth. Christian Science.
In 1932 I had a major operation and seemed not to regain my strength. So about. 1934 I went through a world-known clinic in the Midwest. I was told that I had an arthritic condition of the spine. About this same time my husband was out of work, and we were faced with a financial problem. A kind friend gave me a copy of the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and it was the truths contained in this textbook that brought about my first healing in Christian Science. I shall never forget the peace, joy, and comfort I experienced while reading the first chapter, entitled "Prayer." All fear was lifted, and in a very short time my husband secured an appointment he had wanted in government service. Our daughter, who had just graduated from high school, obtained a position, and our fourteen-year-old son was given a newspaper route. I gained steadily and gradually, a skin trouble disappeared, and in a short time I was completely healed.
I have had many other healings in Christian Science. One that stands out most in my mind is the healing of an infected tooth which had become very loose. I repeated "the scientific statement of being" (Science and Health, p. 468), the first two lines of which are: "There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all." I saw that "substance is that which is eternal and incapable of discord and decay" (ibid.). After I had clung for a day and a half to the truth of substance, the tooth tightened and became normal.