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From the June 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The principle of mathematics, when correctly applied, will always ensure the right solution of every mathematical problem. Just as surely in the Science of metaphysics, when we correctly apply the truths revealed to the world by the beloved Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, the right answer to every problem will be found always at hand.

One of the first facts we are taught in mathematics is that two times two equals four. We learn that two times two can never, under any circumstances, equal five or seven or ten. A child may say that two times two equals five, but has the child in giving his erroneous answer done anything to the truth that two times two equals four? Has the truth concerning this problem been obliterated by the wrong answer? Why, of course not. The right answer ever remains the same.

To carry the illustration into the field of metaphysics, we might visualize a blackboard with two headings on it—Truth and Error. Under Truth would go the statement that two times two equals four, and under Error the untruth that two times two equals five. Now, similarly, under the heading of Truth would go health, harmony, joy, peace, and love, and under the heading of Error, disease, discord, sorrow, unrest, fear, hatred. Many more words could be listed, of course, but the above are enough to illustrate the point being discussed here. Each of these spiritual qualities under Truth is available to us when we correctly and intelligently hold to the truth of being—perfect God, perfect man, and perfect universe. The falsities under Error can be immediately erased from thought by the right understanding of man's true status as the child of God.

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