Christian Science is revealing to mankind that God and His perfect spiritual creation alone are real. It explains to humanity the mythical or illusory nature of that which appears as matter, sickness, sin, inharmony, and death. Christian Science also teaches that in proportion to one's mental adherence to the facts of true being he can prove through physical healing and regeneration that disease and sin are no part of God's good plan for man.
Scientifically considered, sin, disease, and death are unreal. They are merely the objectification of erroneous mental states ignorantly entertained by mankind.
In the false allegorical account of creation the serpent is supposed to have told Eve that men would be as gods, to know good and evil. Evil is the supposititious absence of good. But since God is good, the supreme, omnipresent cause of the universe, there can be no absence of good in the universe. It is utterly impossible to know both good and evil as realities. Good alone is real and truly knowable.