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From the June 1952 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The plans Jesus made were always according to divine direction. He said (John 5: 19), "The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise." This is the attitude we should maintain; we should see ourselves and others as children of God and therefore able to do the works of God. As we claim and demonstrate our true spiritual status as children of God we become aware of what the Father wills and understand that being, in reality, the image and likeness of God, we cannot do aught but His will, for the Mind that is God controls our activities.

Mortals in making plans for themselves in deciding what they think they would like to have or what they think would be good for them—are often motivated by human will or fear. When things do not work out according to their preconceived plans, they are either disappointed, disgusted, discouraged, or dismayed. Experience in Christian Science soon convinces one that injecting human opinion or human will into situations hinders rather than helps. Christian Scientists learn to start with the basic facts of creation as set forth in the first chapter of Genesis: "God created man in his own image" (Gen. 1:27); and, "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good" (Gen. 1:31). God is admitted to be perfect; so we have a right to claim that perfection for ourselves, because man is made in His image. Through reasoning logically from cause to effect—perfect God, therefore perfect man —we are enabled to let go of the fears and doubts that attach themselves to outlining and confidently accept God's guidance.

God is continually pouring forth His blessings; but unless we avail ourselves of them we are not always aware of His presence. To illustrate, if one tunes in on a certain radio station and is not exactly "on the beam," there are squeals and squawks of all sorts. Sometimes interference is also encountered. In similar manner, if we listen to mortal mind its squeals and squawks spoil our clear reception of Truth, and the interference of human will prevents our becoming fully aware of our blessings.

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