I humbly thank God for giving us Christ Jesus, our Way-shower, who by his teaching and healing, as well as by his goodness and great love, taught mankind a new way of life, and for giving us Mary Baker Eddy, our Leader, who through her study of the Scriptures gave us the revelation of Truth that makes practical the parables and lessons taught by Jesus.
Many have been my healings in Christian Science. The smoking and drinking habits fell away instantaneously, although these were habits that I had manifested for over twenty years. Two large cysts on the back of my neck vanished in a short period of time. These ugly and unnatural growths were for many years a constant source of fear lest they might be turning into a more serious condition. I brought this matter to the attention of a Christian Science friend at a time when one of the cysts was developing very alarmingly. This friend simply stated that whatever is not of God, good, seems to become apparent only to be healed. My acknowledgment that this was the truth was the step necessary for the healing, and when my fear was vanquished the cysts disappeared.
The problems that come up for healing I am learning to master through the study of Christian Science. This quotation from "Miscellaneous Writings" by Mrs. Eddy has always supported me in times of great stress and turmoil (p. 118): "Be of good cheer; the warfare with one's self is grand." Through this warfare I am being cleansed and purified, thus making much spiritual gain.