The experiences which bring us progress need not always be difficult or distressing ones. There are joyous occasions when inspirational moments of spiritual unfoldment, free from all stress or strain, bring to us in gentle ways clear glimpses of Truth. We find these angelic messages from God freely coming to our consciousness and ushering us, step by step, into greater heavenly bliss.
In reality there is only omnipresence— the omnipresence of God—wherein there is no need for stress and struggle. In omnipresence there is no absence of good. God is all-inclusive, indivisible, immutable good, wherein we find no evil—no sorrow, sin, pain, or death. Realizing there is only omnipresence heals fear, grief, loneliness. In the all-presence of God, divine Love, there is no cause for loneliness, no condemnation over the past, no dread of the future, but rather the nowness and allness of continuous joy. There is nothing to be sorry about in the omnipresence of God, since evil never happened. God, good, always was, is, and ever will be All. The knowledge of these great spiritual facts leads us into joyous fields of progress, and these happifying experiences are not tinged with sickness or sadness.
However, there are other times when our spiritual growth appears to come as the result of passing through depths of sorrow or pain which literally force us to the feet of the Christ and to the sheltering wings of divine Love. Then it is that each day brings to the student of Christian Science earnestly seeking release some fresh inspiration of Truth, comforting him and sustaining his efforts. The Scriptures declare of God's compassions (Lam. 3:23), "They are new every morning," and add, "Great is thy faithfulness."