The last physician who examined me before I took up the study of Christian Science stated that because of a heart injury which I had suffered as a small child, I would always be an invalid. Since then I have served twenty-one years as a schoolteacher under yearly contract without missing a day. During the war years I permitted a woman who was enrolled in a nursing course to practice counting my pulse. She reported a perfectly normal count.
One of my richest blessings has been the protection experienced by members of our family. Our son took part in the invasion of Normandy. The ship which took him across the English Channel was sunk before the men had disembarked on the French coast. He and all his men escaped from the icy water safely. This son continued in the European campaign from D-day until the surrender of Germany. During this entire time a practitioner was working for him in Christian Science each day. I am most grateful to say that he returned home sound in body and cheerful in thought, entirely free from any trace of nervousness or bitterness.
At one time our car was so badly damaged in an accident that friends remarked, "We don't see how anyone got out of it alive." Except for two scratches none of us were injured.