We all need to understand what true law is, since through this understanding we gain dominion over every phase of daily life. Unless we do understand spiritual law and practice it effectively, we tend to live in a vacuum, not knowing what we are, where we are, or whither we are going. What a blessing it is that Christian Science is available so that all who turn to it may understand true law. In "Rudimental Divine Science," in answer to the question, "How would you define Christian Science?" Mary Baker Eddy says (p. 1), "As the law of God, the law of good, interpreting and demonstrating the divine Principle and rule of universal harmony."
To practice the law of God effectively in daily life requires a procedure quite different from that demanded of those who are authorized to practice law before the courts and tribunals of government. The difference rests mainly on two points. First, on the need for making a clear distinction between law which comes from divine Principle and man-made laws which derive their sanction solely from human consent. Second, on the need for withdrawing our consent from each false law as it is encountered.
The procedure is not a study of statutes, court cases, opinions, and regulations interpreting the laws of government; it is not a study of the laws of physics, medicine, geology, music, or the like. In order to utilize divine law effectively, we must recognize that all true law rests upon and proceeds from God as divine Principle; that any law which does not so qualify is powerless to operate and enforce itself; that true law can be readily identified and obeyed in every circumstance; and that false laws can be uncovered and repudiated. With this individual unfoldment, love is seen as the fulfilling of the law.