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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science was presented to me...

From the March 1956 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science was presented to me many years ago by a friend who saw my need when I was waiting to go into hospital. For weeks I had had severe internal hemorrhages, which the doctor was unable to stop. My friend lent me the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. Words are inadequate to express what the reading of this book meant to me. It explained so many questions I had wanted answered about the true nature of God, questions for which I had long been seeking answers in an orthodox church.

I read for many hours each day and became so inspired by the truth that I had no need to go into hospital, for I was free. I felt convinced that Christian Science was what I had been seeking; yet I was not sure whether I should follow this religion or continue with the church I had been brought up in. Then came the thought, "This book has given you the truth that you were seeking; it can now explain your next step." I took the textbook and opened it to page 22, where I read, "Vibrating like a pendulum between sin and the hope of forgiveness,—selfishness and sensuality causing constant retrogression,—our moral progress will be slow." And farther on Mrs. Eddy says, "'Work out your own salvation,' is the demand of Life and Love, for to this end God worketh with you." I closed the book with such a wave of inspiration to go forward in Christian Science that I have never looked back.

I have had many healings—mental, moral, and physical. A badly sprained ankle was quickly healed when I realized that there had never been an injury in Mind, God. A severe attack of influenza was overcome one night when I lost all fear in realizing the truth of what our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, says in the Preface to Science and Health (p. vii): "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings." At one time when I was on holiday I was taken quite ill, but again a sentence from the textbook came to my aid. I read on page 495, "When the illusion of sickness or sin tempts you, cling steadfastly to God and His idea." I then realized that if God is Spirit, as His idea I must be spiritual. Immediately the whole condition cleared up, and I was left with a great sense of joy and freedom.

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