The only real claims on man are God's claims, and these are unalterably and eternally good claims. This important spiritual fact must be remembered. Because one hears so often of the claims of evil, there is sometimes a human tendency to believe that the word "claim" connotes only a negative, disturbing, or destructive material condition which needs to be remedied.
Christian Scientists rightly describe the tyrannous pretensions of material sense as false claims. As courageous workers enlisted in a Cause dedicated to the lessening of evil, they proceed with divine authority to destroy these false claims by understanding their utter falsity and powerlessness and the allness of God, good. They reverse the belief that any claim on man can originate with, or be imposed by, a supposititious evil power.
Christian Scientists recognize the validity and exclusiveness of the divine claims on man, which present the real man as being upright, free, and altogether Godlike. They know, moreover, that all the power of God is always available to support and enforce the divine claims, whereas the claims of mortal mind are only illusions of material sense and have no actual law or Principle to sustain them.