For the greater part of half a century I have experienced daily the joys that must ever be the lot of an earnest student of Christian Science. My first physical healing occurred in the year 1906, when I was healed of a condition which our family physician had told my mother could be helped only by surgery.
I had gone to a mountain lake in the western part of our country for the summer, during which period I was to make a decision which I knew would affect my entire life. At the time, I was a devoted member of a Protestant church, in which I had been baptized and confirmed. I had become very much interested in a young man who since early boyhood had contemplated becoming a minister of that church. However, the father of my friend received a marvelous healing of lifelong invalidism through Christian Science. Immediately my friend took up the study of this Science and began to devote his entire time to its study and practice. In the meantime I had acquired through misinformation an antipathy for what I thought Christian Science to be.
I had looked forward to marriage as the culminating joy of my human experience, but to me marriage had always meant a union of thought as well as of hearts. I knew that if our companionship was to continue, there must be no divergence as far as religion was concerned.