Have we ever been tempted to believe that life is a struggle? Has mortal sense suggested that we are limited in opportunity and ability, and has this suggestion perhaps found a willing listener in us? If so, then we are accepting a false concept of man, a concept that would place us in a limited experience, fettered by mortal beliefs. Such so-called life is mere existence, filled with constant struggles to keep going. Christian Science shows us how to work out of such a false sense. Through its teachings we learn that man is not a mortal, limited being, but rather is he an idea of divine Mind; he reflects his Father-Mother God as a complete expression of good and has dominion over all.
In defining the word "existence," a dictionary says in part, "Being with reference to some limiting condition." To accept a limited sense of being is to reject Biblical promise, for in John we read that wonderful statement of the Master (10:10): "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." There is divine authority for claiming that we are entitled to life that is filled with goodness, and such a claim must necessarily reject all suggestion of struggle and limitation. However, it is important to see that such abundance does not result from the accumulation of material things, but rather appears as the result of the manifestation of the Christ-idea in consciousness. Striving daily to express our true nature as the child of God brings forth wonderful and satisfying results.
There is no more inspiring proof of man's God-given dominion than the life of our Way-shower, Christ Jesus. He claimed dominion in every situation that confronted him, and the New Testament gives many accounts of how he silenced the suggestions of limitation and struggle wherever and however they claimed to appear in his experience. Jesus exercised authority over the suggestions of mortal thought.