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From the April 1957 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Prayer opens our understanding of the Scriptures to a point where scientific healing power may be demonstrated. "Prayer" is the title of the opening chapter of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. One of the many arresting statements appearing in this chapter reads (p. 16): "The highest prayer is not one of faith merely; it is demonstration. Such prayer heals sickness, and must destroy sin and death."

Prayer is sometimes regarded as being too speculative for practical usage. Actually, however, the only thing speculative about prayer is in the thought of those who hold such a viewpoint. Christian Scientists know prayer to be of positive benefit, and they are proving daily the truth of James' words in his epistle (5:16), "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." All Christian Science healings are accomplished through scientific prayer.

But what is the specific nature of scientific prayer? Briefly stated, it is a spiritually inspired state of thought wherein divine ideas of Truth become humanly available. As these ideas become active in human consciousness, they heal, and they bring an inward satisfaction not to be found through ceremonial splendor or mere dogmatic repetition of words.

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