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From the April 1957 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The unreality of matter is an accepted fact in Christian Science. Mary Baker Eddy discloses how this fact may be individually proved when she writes in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 347), "The dream that matter and error are something must yield to reason and revelation." Reference to the dream nature of matter and error starts the wheels of reason turning toward the revelation that a material man and a material universe constitute a false sense of creation, a human concept entirely unknown to the divine Mind. Here let us consider the following verse of a beloved hymn (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 85),

God of Truth, eternal good,
Lift our hearts to revelation,
That Thou mayst be understood,
Thou, the Rock of our salvation;
All Thy love we have for loving,
All Thy truth is ours for proving.

Many students of Christian Science have proved that the unhappy conditions of human experience are as much without foundation or existence as the assertions that two times two equals five or that the earth is flat. These students, in the language of the Bible, are learning to "walk as children of light" (Eph. 5:8). They are accepting and applying through correct reasoning the practical teaching of Christian Science concerning God's allness, goodness, power, and presence. The Christian Scientist knows that when he declares the allness and goodness of God's love, he begins to express this love in his thoughts, words, and deeds. When he declares that there is only one Mind, he begins to live this truth with such conviction and assurance that error flees from him. When he declares that there is one Spirit, he begins to see himself and all creation as spiritually evidencing the perfection and harmonious activity of the only creator, God. As he walks in the light of Christian Science, he proves "what is acceptable unto the Lord" (Eph. 5: 10).

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