"Open thou mine eyes," the Psalmist prayed, "that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law" (Ps. 119:18). Then he added humbly, "I am a stranger in the earth: hide not thy commandments from me." This heartfelt prayer for spiritual discernment expresses the desire of many individuals today who, like the Psalmist, long to behold and understand the "wondrous things" which are beyond the reach of the material senses because they are spiritual in nature.
There is nothing in the passage quoted to indicate that the Psalmist was unable to see physically. Rather, his prayer shows a deep heavenly hunger, a longing for an understanding of God, Spirit. However, many can testify today to the healing of impaired vision as a result of pursuing a sincere desire to gain spiritual understanding.
The student of Christian Science recognizes the correlation of improved visual faculties to clear, spiritual discernment, and in proportion as his trust in good outweighs fear of or belief in evil the correlation is demonstrated in his experience. He recognizes good subjectively, that is, already included in his true consciousness, instead of picturing it as something external to himself which he lacks.