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[Series showing the progressive unfoldment of the Christ, Truth, throughout the Scriptures]

Aaron the Levite

From the February 1966 issue of The Christian Science Journal

OF the two sons of Amram and Jochebed, the younger, Moses, was unquestionably the more important; but Aaron, his senior by three years, also contributed to the success of the exodus from Egypt, in spite of certain basic weaknesses in his character that limited his importance.

When Moses was chosen by God to deliver the Hebrews from their bondage, he demurred, claiming that he was halting in normal conversation and completely lacking in eloquence (see Ex. 4:10). Even when the Lord Himself assured him of His support and guidance, Moses persisted in his hesitation; and it was not until Aaron agreed, at the Lord's request, to act as his brother's spokesman and, later, as his prophet that Moses accepted the challenge he so nobly fulfilled (see Ex. 4:16; 7:1). Indeed, Aaron was destined to undertake in various ways a supporting role in the great drama in which Moses played the leading part (see, for example, Ex. 17:8-13).

Aaron, described by the Lord as "the Levite" (Ex. 4:14), was called to meet with Moses in the wilderness. Together they discussed the task which lay ahead of them. And on reaching Egypt, they convened the leaders of the Israelites, whom Aaron addressed on his brother's behalf, reporting the Lord's message to them and performing the signs and wonders which God had ordained (see verses 27-30). In due course the two brothers cooperated in dealing with Pharaoh, although Moses continued to take the lead in their urgent and eventually successful efforts to free their countrymen.

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