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Testimonies of Healing

My first acquaintance with Christian Science...

From the February 1966 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My first acquaintance with Christian Science came some thirty years ago when I was a young bride. Having no particular religious training or convictions and desirous of pleasing my husband, I began to take part in the daily study of the Lesson-Sermon, set out in the Quarterly, and to attend church with my husband and his family.

My first healing came during the first summer of our marriage, although it was not until the following summer that I realized it had been an instantaneous healing of hay fever, which had plagued me all my teen years.

But it was not until our own two daughters were of Sunday School age that I began to take a real interest in the study of Christian Science. At that time I became active in the Christian Science Society which we attended; and, as a result, I was asked to serve as their only Sunday School teacher. There were about eight to ten children, ranging in age from two to twelve years. The class included our two daughters, a niece, and one boy.

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