From childhood on, people kept asking most of us, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" And who of us could say? We kept growing out of what we had grown into. We are even now a picture in our own mind's eye. This picture says it has a time frame around it, an educational frame, a human race frame, confining us to a destiny uncontrolled by ourselves.
No wonder young people want to grow out of the frame! No wonder they want to extend their image by all possible media of heart and mind! Some people want to get out of the frame by phantasy or even by compressing themselves into an emotional nonresponse to a world they think is clawing its way into their individual identity. Where is the meaning and pleasure of living?
To find one's identity and to find ways of achieving fulfillment is the meaning and purpose in life. The urgency to be an identity, to find response and approval, to gain fulfillment, is bursting within each living thing. None can choose not to grow.