When I was in a very depressed state of mind, not knowing why I was here, Christian Science was presented to me. I had earnestly prayed to God as best I knew how to show me the way out, and I shall never forget my introduction to Science in a bright little church with friendly faces in it. Even though at first I did not understand much of what was read or said, it attracted me more and more. A growth on my forehead disappeared during those first hours in the atmosphere of Truth.
Christian Science has answered my questions regarding God and man. The understanding that Life is eternal, that heaven is the perfect consciousness of God's government, and that death could neither help nor harm me has healed me of both the fear of death and the desire to die. Life has come to have new meaning, purpose, and direction.
One of my first experiences was the healing of a discordant foot condition. I could never walk or stand without discomfort or pain. When I was a child, a doctor recommended ankle braces, which I never received, but later on I obtained arch supports, bandages, and other remedies. AH of these, together with drugs for headaches and colds, were discarded very soon after my acquaintance with Christian Science. One day as I was walking to a Christian Science Reading Room, my feet began to trouble me. I stood still for a few moments, knowing, as Christian Science teaches, that there is no sensation in matter and declaring other spiritual truths. Mrs. Eddy tells us (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 150), "If He be with us, the wayside is a sanctuary, and the desert a resting-place peopled with living witnesses of the fact that 'God is Love.' "