Who can doubt that female liberation has begun in earnest and is here to stay? More opportunities for women are opening up in business and government. Feminine fashions, social customs, and life-styles are rapidly changing. But what about health? What about freedom from so-called "female disorders"? Can these physical discords ever be outlawed by man-made legislation, or outmoded by style or custom? No. But freedom is possible. A spiritual understanding of the female of God's creating—of true spiritual identity—can bring to woman her total liberation.
In the first chapter of Genesis we read of God creating everything and creating it good. He creates man in His own likeness—"male and female created he them." Gen. 1:27 In explanation of this inspired account of the true, spiritual creation, Mrs. Eddy-says in Science and Health: "It follows that man is a generic term. Masculine, feminine, and neuter genders are human concepts."Science and Health, p. 516
How truly liberated is the woman who is learning to accept her status as an individual expression of Mind's perfect ideal ! This pure and perfect ideal of true womanhood, forever free from human frustrations and hang-ups, exists eternally in a state of joyous fulfillment—satisfied, complete, and whole. Accepting her real identity as the expression of the one pure and perfect consciousness, she finds release from the claims of subconscious fears and unconscious evil.