One's thinking determines his experience, Christian Science explains. This is why it is very important actively to reflect in consciousness the perfect qualities of one's creator, God, Mind; thus the adverse effect discordant thinking has on daily living is precluded or destroyed. In proportion as human thinking is governed by God's law of harmony, human events are governed harmoniously.
In Unity of Good Mrs. Eddy states her proved conviction "that an acknowledgment of the perfection of the infinite Unseen confers a power nothing else can." She adds, "An incontestable point in divine Science is, that because God is All, a realization of this fact dispels even the sense or consciousness of sin, and brings us nearer to God, bringing out the highest phenomena of the All-Mind." Un., p.7
God, who is omnipotent divine Spirit, Love, is unseen to the physical senses. But through spiritual sense His nature can be understood and felt; and then it is expressed in improved experience. The study and application of Christian Science increases spiritual sense, which reveals divine qualities, such as integrity, love, well-being, as inherent in one's own true consciousness. Because the real man is Spirit's perfect image and likeness, individual spiritual consciousness teems with qualities bearing witness to God's infinite goodness and might.