I would like to begin my testimony with the words from Psalm 34, verse 4: "I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears."
God's answer for me came at the beginning of May, 1970, for through a friend I was led to Christian Science. When I first attended a church service and borrowed Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and also took some copies of The Herald of Christian Science, I still did not know what a blessing for my life was to come from it.
Anxiety and concern for a sister who was ill had tormented me for a year. My fear was manifested in very poor health. I constantly had stomach trouble and pain in my heart; in addition my nerves were strained to the breaking point. For a long time I was under medical care and taking pills in quantity. However, they did not help me. On the contrary, I grew worse. Other pains developed that disturbed me.