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"How I teach my Sunday School class"

From the April 1975 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This series gives firsthand accounts of how a number of successful Christian Science Sunday School teachers approach their assignments. It appears in those issues of the Journal not containing the quarterly "Sunday School" column.

I was assigned to a class of eleven-and twelve-year-olds. The first session flared out in open resentment on the part of the twelve-year-olds that they had been put in a class with eleven-year-olds.

This expression of age-consciousness brought home to me that I was dealing with a very special time of growth and development. It was that age when Jesus was found by his parents "in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions" (Luke 2:46). It is the age at which membership in The Mother Church becomes possible.

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