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Church, a Living Power

From the August 1976 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science, the Science of Christianity as taught by the Master, Christ Jesus, is an irresistible power for good in today's distraught world.

What is it that binds its followers together and implements its forward thrust? Is it not the Church of Christ, Scientist? If those who wanted Christian Science had Mary Baker Eddy's book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, but there were no church, these seekers for Truth would be scattered, rolling around in a sea of orthodoxy like isolated fragments. Mrs. Eddy saw that the founding of the church was integral to the revelation, and she saw that uniting with this church was not a one-time formal act but a continuing spiritual growth on the part of the individual.

So, just what is Church? We sometimes refer superficially to the little white spire on the village green or the stately buildings of The Mother Church as a beautiful church. But these are only symbols. To understand Church we must understand the spiritual idea that underlies the institution.

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