Christian Science explains there is but one Soul, one infinite divine Mind or consciousness. Man reflects, or manifests, divine consciousness. God imparts to man his conscious being. This consciousness includes the recognition of the allness of God and the absolute perfection of man in God's likeness.
In the light of the above statements, it becomes clear that one has dominion over his experience as he learns to exercise his control over what he accepts as his consciousness.
Christ Jesus is our Way-shower. He showed us what to do and how to do it. He so clearly identified God as his Father, his source, that it is clear he accepted into his thought only what he knew God knew and was causing him to be. In other words, he reflected Soul, sinless, continuous, divine consciousness, as the source of his thoughts. He must have seen clearly that what wasn't going on in God, in the one divine consciousness, wasn't going on—no matter how real it appeared or how strenuously the situation argued for reality and personal involvement.