Active service in a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, for many years has opened up the Bible to me, brought a greater appreciation for the lives of the prophets, and a desire to be a better follower of Christ Jesus; to love as he loved and to heal the sick and sinning as he commanded us to do. Important, too, has been the discipline of learning to work shoulder to shoulder with church members and to let the divine will rule my motives and deeds.
My love grows daily for Mrs. Eddy, the author of Science and Health, which is doing so much to leaven world thought.
Radical reliance on Christian Science paved the way for my healing of the effects of accident recently. In praying one morning for church and Sunday School, I reviewed the Ten Commandments. It was interesting to note the correlative between the fourth commandment (Ex. 20:8), "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy," and the seventh commandment (v. 14), "Thou shalt not commit adultery." I saw a correlative for me, at least, in my own prayerful consideration. It appeared to me that the fourth commandment is an invitation to establish clearly in thought that each and every day is God's sabbath, when according to Genesis (1:31), "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." Aside from the moral connotation in regard to adultery, I saw that when we indulge in fear, or accept evil as real, we are adulterating our understanding of God's perfect creation.