When Christ Jesus' public ministry broke onto the scene twenty centuries ago, human consciousness was stirred to its depths. Some people were deeply moved by his unparalleled healing work. Others were antagonized—even infuriated—by his teachings and actions. Whether a disciple, a detractor, or a disinterested observer, no individual entirely escaped the effect of Jesus' actions because the Saviour introduced spiritual concepts that altered the basis of world thought.
By example he showed what it meant to fully accept God as the sole power, infinitely good. His life and final ascension literally illustrated the ultimate result of understanding that man is not a mortal but the spiritual idea of God. The impact of the truths he taught and of the spirituality he demonstrated was deeply felt—and still is. The Comforter Jesus promised would teach us all things has appeared to our age through Christian Science and launched, in little more than one century, an irreversible spiritual revolution. The truth that God is All, that He is perfect, and that the universe, including man, reflects His perfection is taking root in individual lives, transforming those lives and bringing a powerful fermentation to our world.
When truth is introduced into human consciousness, the result is an inevitable stirring. Entrenched mortal thinking, centuries deep, is being annihilated. Should we be so surprised to see the churning—even the turmoil—in the world? Unquestionably, a chemicalizing effect is resulting as Truth reaches and dissolves evil. "What I term chemicalization," explains Mrs. Eddy, "is the upheaval produced when immortal Truth is destroying erroneous mortal belief. Mental chemicalization brings sin and sickness to the surface, forcing impurities to pass away, as is the case with a fermenting fluid." 1