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Justice is for all

From the October 1979 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The quality of justice is always safely out of human hands and in God's keeping. Though all human resources and recourses should utterly fail, divine justice would remain demonstrable— supreme.

Divine justice enforces all-inclusive rightness. It respects no one more, and no one less, than another. Can the divine justice that characterizes the all-loving, merciful, uncondemning nature of God Himself be other than impartial regarding person, time, or circumstance? Spiritually understood, justice is not only a present possibility for some, it is an inescapable reality for all.

Whatever inheres in God inheres in man, God's very image. Therefore, since justice is an attribute of divine Mind, there is no inequity among Mind's ideas, which constitute the family of Godlike man. It follows that the ideal, spiritual nature of each spiritual identity cannot fail to receive or reflect God's justice.

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