Christianity has a message of supreme importance for mankind. It is the message of Life. Christ Jesus assures us, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."1
The Christ, God's pure message of perfection, brings an understanding of Life. It wakens us to an awareness of Life as God Himself, divine, ever present. The Christ restored Jesus. It revived his body, after the crucifixion, and gave it normal physical activity. And ultimately the Christ lifted Jesus entirely out of every mortal limitation and entirely into a full consciousness of God as Life.
The story of Jesus' life is a profound and unequaled illustration of what takes place when an individual listens so closely to God and acts so in accord with what he hears that his very existence becomes evidence of what Life is revealing of itself. Jesus' whole career was one of saving lives. His understanding of the Christ saved people from all that was unlike Life, God—illness, sin, immorality, and every other kind of thinking that leads to death.