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Testimonies of Healing

During my teens I made many mistakes...

From the April 1979 issue of The Christian Science Journal

During my teens I made many mistakes typical of some others of my generation. My mother had begun the study of Christian Science, but I did not join her in this. While studying philosophy at university I began to have an interest in this Science. But the time came when I felt I had to choose between looking further into Christian Science and marrying a boy who would hear nothing of it. I made the wrong choice. We were married a few months later, and almost from the first day I was desperately unhappy. I was careful to keep up a front of well-being for the benefit of family and friends.

After two months, I secretly slipped downtown to talk with a Christian Science practitioner whose name I had picked at random from the Journal. She recommended I study the Bible Lessons outlined in the Christian Science Quarterly and read Mary Baker Eddy's writings. I began to do this, and also attended a meeting of the Christian Science college organization at my university. I discovered that many of the members were pupils in a Christian Science Sunday School. I gladly accepted their invitation to attend. The wonderful Sunday School teacher, the second time he met me, discerned my problem. He told me how Christian Science could help. We prayed together.

During the months that followed, I spent several hours each day studying not only the Bible Lessons and the Gospels but all of Mrs. Eddy's writings, reading old and new Christian Science periodicals and pamphlets—anything I could get my hands on.

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