One morning while I was a college student, I woke with intense pain in one ear. I phoned a Christian Science practitioner, who agreed to help me. He asked that I call him again later in the day. I did, and reported that now I was unable to hear in that ear. The practitioner told me he would continue to pray for me but that I must pray as well. At his recommendation I read Unity of Good by Mrs. Eddy, which speaks of man's oneness with God. The next morning the ear condition was unchanged. I called the practitioner and asked for an appointment with him that afternoon. Later, during our talk, he commented, "I think you need to express more grace in your daily living." I felt embarrassed because I did not know what he meant.
At home I looked up a dictionary meaning of the word "grace" and found it defined in such terms as "beauty," "kindness," and "good will." I decided to put grace into practice by expressing more consideration and concern for others. I tried to be a sound example of friendliness, beauty, and love, especially in dealings with my family.
The following day I felt a little better, but the healing was not complete. So I requested that the practitioner continue his prayer. He then asked, "Why not take your case to 'the Court of Spirit'?" (see Science and Health, pp. 430-442). On page 430 of Science and Health Mrs. Eddy writes, "I here present to my readers an allegory illustrative of the law of divine Mind and of the supposed laws of matter and hygiene, an allegory in which the plea of Christian Science heals the sick."