The healings we read about in the Bible, especially those of Christ Jesus, who radically healed all kinds of ailments, have always inspired me. They are an absolute testament that material cause and effect are not law. Jesus' trust in the law of God—which affirms that man is eternally harmonious, healthy, and flawless—and its healing results, are the basis upon which we, also, can trust God.
One afternoon, when I was a teen-ager, I was besieged by excruciating pain in my lower abdomen. I immediately asked my mother to call a Christian Science practitioner for help, which she did.
I remember thinking back over many of the healings I had read about in the Bible, and I felt a deep desire to be true to the trust in God that I felt. The discomfort was so intense that it was very difficult to think; there were moments when I feared having to endure the pain for a long time. I felt desperate, and yet my desire to have a healing through Christian Science was paramount. I placed my trust in God.