O Tyndale! Good man, burned at the stake!
"Heretic"—an ungodly name
For one with such a godly purpose.
Did not the elders warn you the Bible
Was not for unlearned eyes to see?
Did not your friends tell you that siding
With God and His Word could be lethal?
O Tyndale! Could you have doubted yourself
On the road to martyrdom (which came
As no surprise)? What was it that drove
You to ponder languages no longer spoken?
Why were you not content, young man,
To score more points in the games of your time?
What drove you to be a scholar for others?
Oh, to let our lives be a sovereign sermon
To young men and women who seek to be
On the side of God and the people!
And to let them know the words of Jesus,
Which you lived to give us:
"Gretter love then this hath no man, then that
a man bestowe his lyfe for his frendes."*