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Solving the problem

From the April 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

However difficult or easy we may believe our situation to be, we always have one and the same problem to solve—no more, no less. And that is the problem of being.

Why should being involve a problem? Christian Science explains that real being—expressed in man, God's likeness— reflects the divine infinite Being, Mind, or Life that is God, good. Being itself is perfect and complete, uncomplicated by difficulties. The problem that this explanation presents for our solution, however, is the implied necessity for immortal, spiritual being to be understood and accepted as the only being.

The problem of being is not a dilemma between a rock and a hard place. It is positive, not negative, in nature and solution. It is not synonymous with sickness, unemployment, or unhappy relationships but rather offers healing and redemption from woe. Solving the problem of being presents joyous opportunity for endless progress. Therefore, instead of separating us from God's love, the Life-problem gives evidence of God's love for us, which provides for our deliverance from belief in life apart from Him.

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