Sometimes the human mind struggles with the idea of metaphysical healing, perhaps even doubting the possibility of divine power as a real or "very present help in trouble." This may be a particular challenge for one who has suffered with sickness or pain over a considerable length of time. Some may feel that spiritual healing is only a naive fantasy, others may feel personally unworthy to be healed, still others may feel they have no hope at all.
One evening I was thinking about this tendency of the human mind to set itself against metaphysical healing, against moving forward spiritually, against seeking recourse in divine Spirit, God. Then, as I prayed, I realized that even if one's thought does turn away from God, this cannot change the eternal truth of man's being. Surely one must make the effort to turn back and then walk the way with God. Yet I felt a certainty about the ultimate outcome for everyone who has suffered and struggled. The idea came clear—no one can escape healing.
There's no escaping it! One may rail against spiritual healing, ignore it, misunderstand it, abuse it, give up on it; but the action of God's saving Christ keeps on moving inexorably in human consciousness until the work is finally done. This saving action of Truth does require a change in us, a transformation of thought and living. But the work will be finally done. I thought of something the Founder of Christian Science wrote, and her words came to thought simultaneously with a verse from the Bible. Mrs. Eddy's words are these: "Body and mind are correlated in man's salvation; for man will no more enter heaven sick than as a sinner, and Christ's Christianity casts out sickness as well as sin of every sort." 1 The Bible verse states: "Every knee shall bow." 2