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Health versus sense testimony

From the April 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Man is always whole and healthy! Why? Because he is actually the spiritual image and likeness of God. Anything contradicting this truth is only an illusion of material sense. And one can prove these statements, Christian Science explains, by prayerfully affirming and realizing the truth.

All real being is harmonious and immortal, governed by God's law of perfection and embodying the indestructible qualities of divine Spirit. As such it can never become disordered or diseased. Spirit, God, is the sole origin and substance of all existence; and man, being inseparable from his creator, derives his flawless individuality from this great First Cause.

One may be reluctant to admit this when the material senses report that he is a sick or discordant mortal. But such evidence is never true. Existence is not structural or organic but spiritual and incorporeal. Man is the vital, infinite expression of the infinite Life that is God, good.

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