About two thousand years ago there was a man who explained to people that the quality of their lives depended upon the quality of their thought and on their willingness to understand and to obey God. This man was, of course, Christ Jesus. With his love for God, for his fellowman, and with his complete dedication to his mission, he was equal to every situation that confronted him. Whether he was standing before thousands of hungry people in the wilderness or facing a storm at sea, whether he needed money for taxes or was encountering sick, sinning, dying people, the spiritual quality of Christ Jesus' thought enabled him to save and heal. He understood his unity with God. Christ was his divine nature, never separate from God.
We can break away from the belief that church
is an institution that is no longer relevant. When
we put aside this tired argument, we can begin to
explore something completely new: a living, spiritual
power that is based on love for God and humanity.
In Science and Health Mrs. Eddy explains this ever-available Christ as "the divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error." Science and Health, p. 583 Therefore thoughts that come from God are the ones that include this power. But can everyone receive God's thoughts, or is this just the privilege of a chosen few who possess a special ability? Christian Science shows us that all have access to God. It is indeed possible to give up unsatisfied, petty, worried, confused, or fearful thinking by consciously striving to let our thoughts proceed from God, the only consciousness, or Mind. A priceless guide in this is the Bible, which is opened for us through the new, spiritual understanding we gain from studying it in the light of Science and Health.