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Testimonies of Healing

From earliest childhood I longed to understand...

From the June 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

From earliest childhood I longed to understand God. I wanted to find a religion I could use every day, one that would answer my deepest questions and offer hope for salvation from the strife and suffering that dominated my childhood years.

I investigated many religions and philosophies and found nothing that satisfied my yearning. During my search I glimpsed that God is Love, that we have spiritual resources as yet untapped, and that Christ Jesus' miracles were quite natural for him. But I could find no church in which I seemed at home, so I ceased looking. Unhappy family life, an unwise marriage, a thwarted musical career, and physical illness brought me to despair.

When my children were in school, I was able to return to college to earn my master's degree in music. My composition teacher was a Christian Scientist. Upon learning that I was a disappointed religious seeker, he shared the Bible and Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy with me. Here was the answer to my prayer!

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